
Oolong Tea

Oolong Tea Facts

Leaves for oolong tea are picked and then purposefully bruised and manipulated to break cell walls and encourage enzymatic browning (oxidation). After this, oolongs are shaped, often rolled into loose balls, tight pearls, or twisted into elegant lengths. They are then heated to arrest oxidation. The heating process is where many oolongs become unique as the “how” of the heating: air, pan, tumble drying, open fire, etcetera, often brings with it the Maillard reaction and caramelization, encouraging the development of roasted, nutty, and even smoky flavors.

Oolong Tea Origins and Varieties

Oolong teas are massively complex and the diversity of flavors they present is incredible. Of particular note, for those looking to sample oolong’s range, we offer Iron Goddess of Mercy (your recommended gateway into the world of oolong), Oriental Beauty Oolong, Formosa Oolong, and Milk Oolong. While the science is ongoing, it’s known that oolongs are packed with theasinensins, which show promise in helping with inflammation, heart disease, hypertension, and a list of other potentially beneficial preventative applications.

Oolong Tea Brewing Temperature & Time

Oolong teas have a wider brewing temperature range than other tea varietals. Our wide offering of unique oolong tea blends results in different optimal temperatures, with lighter oolongs tasting best brewed around 180°F and darker oolong tea flavors benefitting from a higher temperature of 205°F. Oolong tea leaves can steep anywhere from 3-4 minutes, however, each drinker’s palate will dictate the proper brewing time. 

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