Making Iced Tea Concentrate. Quick, Easy & Refreshing!

Making Iced Tea Concentrate. Quick, Easy & Refreshing!

May 1st 2019

Conquer the Summer Heat: Easy Homemade Iced Tea Concentrate Recipe

Looking to quench your thirst and cool down on a hot day? Look no further than refreshing homemade iced tea! This guide dives into the world of iced tea concentrates, offering a convenient and flavorful solution to beat the heat.

Why Iced Tea Concentrate?

  • Endless Flavor Options: Experiment with different loose-leaf teas, fruits, herbs, and spices to create unique flavor combinations.
  • Quick & Easy: Brew a batch of concentrate in advance and enjoy delicious, iced tea in seconds!
  • Safer Than Sun Tea: The CDC advises against sun tea due to potential bacterial growth. This method ensures safe and delicious iced tea.

Basic Iced Tea Concentrate Recipe


  • 32 oz (4 cups) water
  • 4-5 rounded teaspoons loose leaf tea (adjust based on tea strength preference)
  • 1-quart mason jar (or airtight container)
  • Sweetener (optional)


  1. Heat the Water: Heat water to the appropriate temperature for your chosen tea (typically boiling for black teas, lower temperatures for green or white teas).
  2. Steep the Tea: Add loose leaf tea to a teapot, infuser, or directly in a pot. Steep for 3-4 minutes (green/white teas) or 5-7 minutes (black/herbal teas) for a concentrated flavor.
  3. Strain & Cool: Strain the tea leaves and discard. Let the concentrate cool completely in an airtight container before refrigerating.
  4. Enjoy! Refrigerated concentrate can last for a week. To make iced tea, combine 1 part concentrate with 3 parts water (adjust for desired strength). Add ice and sweetener (optional) to taste.

Bonus Tip: For a quick chill, pour hot concentrate over ice in a pitcher filled with twice the concentrate's volume.

Flavor Inspiration

  • Fruity Twist: Add muddled berries, stone fruits, or citrus slices during steeping.
  • Herbal Delight: Experiment with fresh herbs like mint, rosemary, or lavender.
  • Spicy Kick: Include ginger, cinnamon, or cloves for a warming touch.

Southern Sweet Tea Variation

Love Southern Sweet Tea? After straining the hot concentrate, add ½ - 1 cup sugar and stir until dissolved. For extra flavor, squeeze the juice from 2 lemons and add it to the concentrate. Try our Southern Ginger Peach tea for a delightful twist!

Safety Note: This recipe prioritizes safety by avoiding the sun tea method, which the CDC advises against due to potential bacteria growth.

Beat the summer heat and enjoy the convenience of homemade iced tea concentrate!


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